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Contoh Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

Ada banyak kalimat yang dapat kita gunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju, berikut contoh kalimat agreement dan disagreement.

A.    AGREEMENT (kesetujuan)
  • I agree (saya setuju)
  • I am with you (saya sependapat dengan anda)
  • I think so (saya kira begitu)
  • It certainly is (saya kira juga)
  • That is what I was thinking (itulah yang saya pikirkan/pkirannya saya juga begitu)
  • I am of the same opinion (pendapat saya sama)
B.    DISAGREEMENT (ketidak setujuan)
  • I disagree (saya tidak setuju)
  • I am not with you (saya tidak sependapat)
  • I can agree with (saya tidak dapat menyetujui pendapat anda)
  • I can’t be along with you (saya tidak sepaham)
  • I wouldn’t say that (saya tidak bias mengatakan begitu)
  • I don’t think so (saya kira bukan begitu)

Contoh dialogue Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

Simak percakapan singkat meminta persetujuan dan menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju dalam bahasa Inggris (asking and giving agreement/disagreement) berikut ini

Strong agreement
“I couldn’t agree with you more.”
“You’re absolutely right.”
“I agree entirely.”
“I totally agree.”

Partly agreeing
“I agree with you up to a point, but…”
“That’s quite true, but…”
“I agree with you in principle, but…”

“I’m not sure I agree with you.”
“(I’m afraid) I don’t agree.”
“(I’m afraid) I disagree.”
“(I’m afraid) I can’t agree with you.”
“(I’m afraid) I don’t share your opinion.”

Perlu diingat bahwa saat kita tidak setuju pada seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris kita dapat menyatakan dengan kalimat yang lebih sopan seperti dengan kalimat seperti “I’m afraid…”

Disagreeing strongly
“I don’t agree at all.”
“I totally disagree.”
“I couldn’t agree with you less.”

Contoh Lain Expressing Agreement and Disagreement
Agreement (and continuing the dialogue)
  1. The point you made about “…..” is excellent. I’d like to add that…
  2. I agree with your comment “…”. What do you think about…?
  3. I’m with you on that point. What I still wonder about is….
  4. I think what you’re saying about…. is so right. What would happen though if…?
  5. Yes, and in fact….
  6. Yes, and what is more…
  7. Absolutely. Actually, I would go further, and say…
Partial Agreement
  1. I agree with……, but what about …….?
  2. That’s a good point, but in my opinion….
  3. That could apply in some situations, but what about when….?
  4. I understand your point about…, but I don’t understand…..
  5. It’s certainly true that…, but on the other hand….
  6. I can see that…., but I think it’s also important to consider….
  7. That makes sense, but could it also be true that….
  8. I’d agree with you if…., but not if…
  9. I see what you mean with…, but I also think we need to consider….
Constructive Disagreement
  1. I can appreciate your point about…, but I would disagree because….
  2. That’s interesting, however, from my point of view….
  3. That may be the case, but in my experience…..
  4. I’m afraid I can’t agree with… because …..
  5. I disagree. What about the situations where…?
  6. I don’t think that’s the case because ….
  7. I’m not so sure about that because…
  8. I don’t think your point about…necessarily follows because…
  9. I don’t really see it that way because….
Sumber :http://isnusindangs.com/contoh-expressing-agreement-and-disagreement/

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